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02.23 The Dark Side of Northern Culture, 1856-1884.

02.23.01 :  Fleming, Thomas, A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War, published in 2013.  [Click on Number to Read Review]

02.23.02 :  Scott, Otto, The Secret Six, John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement, published in 1979.  [Go to Section 02.06.02 to Read Review.]

02.23.03 :  Tuveson, Ernest Lee, Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America’s Millennial Role, published in 1968.  [A review of this book is needed]

02.23.04 :  Bensel, Richard F., Yankee Leviathan: The Origins of Central State Authority in America, published in 1990.  [A review of this book is needed]

02.23.05 :  Johnstone, Huger William, Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861, published in 1921.  [A review of this book is needed]

02.23.06 :  Richardson, Heather Cox, The Greatest Nation on Earth: Republican Economic Policies During the Civil War, published in 1997.   [Click on number to read review]

02.23.07 :   Bernstein, Iver, The New York City Draft Riots: Their Significance for American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War, published in 1990.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.08 :  Kennedy, Walter Donald, and Al Benson, Jr., Lincoln’s Marxists, published in 2011.  And earlier version, Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War, published in 2007.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.09 :  Veale, F. J. P., Advance to Barbarism: The Development of Total Warfare from Sarajevo to Hiroshima, published in 1953  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.10 :  Dean, Henry Clay, Crimes of the Civil War and Curse of the Funding System, published in 1869.  [ Click on number to read review]

02.23.11 :  Stokes, Karen, The Immortal 600: Surviving Civil War Charleston and Savannah, published in 2013.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.12 :  Kettell, Thomas Prentice, Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, published in 1860. [Click on number to read review]

02.23.13 :  Egnal, Mark, Clash of Extremes: The Economic Origins of the Civil War, published in 2009.  [click on number to read review]

02.23.14 :  Warren, Robert Penn, John Brown:  The Making of a Martyr,  published in 1929.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.15 :  Stevenson, R. Randolph, The Southern Side: Or, Andersonville Prison, published in 1876.  [Click on number to read review]

 02.23.16 :  Marshall, John A., American Bastille: A History of the Illegal Arrests and Imprisonments of American Citizens in the Northern and Border States on Account of Their Political Opinions During the Late Civil War, published in 1871  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.17 :  Erlick, Carolyn, “Mission to Cuba,” Boston Globe Magazine, May 14, 2000.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.18 :  Edmonds, George (pen-name for Mrs. Elizabeth Avery Meriwether), Facts and Falsehoods Concerning the War on the South, published in 1904  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.19 :  White, D. Jonathan, editor,  Northern Opposition to Mr. Lincoln’s War,  published 2014.  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.20 :  Wilson, Edmund, Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War, published in 1962  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.21 :  Chodes, John, Washington’s KKK: The Union League During Southern Reconstruction, published in 2016  [Click on number to read review]

02.23.22 : Mitchum, Samuel W., Jr., The Greatest Lynching in American History: New York, 1863, published in 2020 [Click on number to read review]

