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02.23.19 White, D. Jonathan, editor, Northern Opposition to Mr. Lincoln’s War, published 2014.

Notes Concerning the Authors

This book contains the contributions of nine present day scholars: John Chodes, Marshall DeRosa, Richard Gamble, Brion McLanahan, Allen Mandenhall, Joe Stromberg, Arthur Trask, Richard Valentine, D. Jonathan White.  Edited by D. Jonathan White.

Our Review

In this collection nine scholars explode the myth  that the North enthusiastically and with near unanimity  supported Lincoln and his war against the South.   Topics include former President Franklin Pierce’s strong opposition to Lincoln,  the brutal persecution of  Lincoln critics by the dictatorial governor of Indiana,  the federal army occupation of the border State of Delaware,  opposition to the war by the most distinguished descendants of Revolutionary patriots in Philadelphia,   resistance of some Northern ministers to being co-opted as agents of the Republican party, and other subjects. The contributors  are  John Chodes, Marshall DeRosa, Richard Gamble, Brion McClanahan, Allen Mendenhall, Joe Stromberg, Arthur Trask, Richard Valentine, and Jonathan D. White.

Availability of this book

The first title published by the Abbeville Institute Press, Northern Opposition to Mr. Lincoln’s War  is a readily available paperback.  To see offering on Amazon, click below: