Notes Concerning the Author
Barbara G. Marthal is owner and representative of SULI (Stories-U-Like, Inc.). As its representative she provides seminars on the use of storytelling, literature and music in the classroom; grades K-12. She is also a published author of a children’s Civil War book entitled, Fighting for Freedom: A Documented Story. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, with a major in Sociology and a minor in Anthropology. She also holds a Master of Education with a concentration in Reading and Story Arts from East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee.
As a Civil War re-enactor, I share stories that are inspired by historical texts and family research in Tennessee, (Wilson and Davidson) counties. My intent is to give voice and face to Antebellum American people of African descent, particularly women both slave and free. The purpose of my stories is to provide a glimpse into the daily lives of slaves and free people of color that goes beyond the one dimensional image of victimization. Through these stories I focus on a people who had their own unique sense of self and shared with all humanity the same dreams of hope, love and community for themselves and their families.
Barbara lives with her husband, Bill Harris, an active member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. She is an active member of the Tennessee Society Order of Confederate Rose and a member of the Confederate Belles of Tennessee. Barbara and Bill enjoy attending events and sharing the history of their ancestors during the Civil War.
Author’s Review
This is a historical account of Richard T. Davis, a young Confederate soldier and his servant, Handy Davis Crudup, – young men representing those often forgotten in American Civil War history. It tells why they fought, how the servant is freed, and what happens to them after the war. The book also highlights the multiethnic nature of the Confederacy and its volunteers. The purpose of the book is to help children understand how research skills are used to tell the history of our ancestors.
Availability of this book
The book is available from ,or by emailing Barbara at or from