Notes Concerning the Author
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve (1831–1924), is today still regarded as the greatest American classical scholar of all times. He was born in Charleston, South Carolina, graduated from Princeton in 1849, and after several years of study in Germany received a doctorate from Geotingen University in 1853. He was a professor at the University of Virginia, 1856–1876, and then at Johns Hopkins. Gildersleeve’s contributions to the study of Greek and Latin gave him international status. He founded what is still a leading journal in the field, the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY He produced textbooks, translations, definitive texts of various classical works, and many articles.
He was also the author of many popular essays for general readers.
In The Creed of the Old South Gildersleeve recalls his youth as a Confederate soldier (wounded in action) and explains to later generations the spirit and thinking that motivated Southerners in their War of Independence. The book also contains a companion essay, “A Southerner in the Peloponesian War.”
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