Notes Concerning the Author
John William Corrington (1932-1988) was born in Louisiana. For 20 years he taught literature at Tulane
and Loyola of New Orleans universities, meanwhile publishing novels, short stories, and poems. Then
he moved to Hollywood where he and his wife, Joyce Hooper Corrington, became a quite successful
screenwriting team for movies and television.
Our Review
And Wait for the Night vividly portrays Southern life as the evils of Reconstruction descend upon
Shreveport, Corrington’s home town. The title comes from a comment by a Northern visitor on the
Southern people after the war: “War, emancipation, and grinding taxation have consumed them. . . .
They endure and wait for the night.” As Corrington described his work: “I decided to write about the
time the Federals occupied my country and tore it up so badly . . . .” The story of struggle against
Reconstruction is vivid and realistic with believable characters and dialogue.
Availability of this Book
And Wait for the Night was republished in 2013 in a readily available edition.
Readers might also be interested in Corrington’s collection of short stories. It is also available on Amazon: