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11.01.01 Davis, Richard Beale, Intellectual Life in the Colonial South, 1585-1763, published in 1978 by University of Tennessee Press.

Notes Concerning Author



This is an exhaustive study of the subject.  The table of contents reveals the scope of the presentations.

Volume One

Chapter 1, pages 1-102, Promotion, Discovery, and History
Chapter 2, pages 103-256, The Indian as Image and Factor in Southern Colonial Life
Chapter 3, pages 257-384, Formal Education, Institutional and Individual

Volume Two

Chapter 4, pages 489-626, Books, Libraries, Reading, and Printing
Chapter 5, pages 627-700, Religion: Established, Evangelical, and Individual
Chapter 6, pages 701-800, The Sermon and the Religious Tract
Chapter 7, pages 801-1112, Science and Technology, Including Agriculture

Volume Three

Chapter 8, pages 1113-1306, The Fine Arts in the Life of the Southern Colonist
Chapter 9, pages 1307-1506, Literature, Principally Belletristic
Chapter 10, pages 1507-1631, The Public Mind: Politics and Economics, Law and Oratory

Availability of this Book

You may go to and download a PDF version of this work.  Furthermore, the set of three volumes as print books can be obtained at very little cost from Amazon and similar outlets.