11.00.01 Hubbell, Jay B., The South in American Literature, 1607—1900, published in 1954. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.02 Brosman, Catherine Savage, Louisiana Creole Literature: A Historical Study, published in 2013. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.03 : Alderman, Edwin Anderson, Joel Chandler Harris and others, editors, Library of Southern Literature, published in 16 volumes from 1906 to 1913. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.04 : Lytle, Andrew Nelson, Stories: Alchemy and Others, published in 1984. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.05 : Michener, James A., Chesapeake, published in 1978. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.06 : Michener, James A., Texas, published in 1985. [Click on Number to Read Review]
11.00.07 : Simpson, Lewis P., The Dispossessed Garden: Pastoral and History in Southern Literature, published in 1975, and Mind and the American Civil War: A Meditation on Lost Causes, published in 1998. [Click on number to read review]
11.00.08 : Young, Stark, editor, A Southern Treasury of Life and Literature, published 1937. [Click on number to read review]
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