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08.04.02 Rutledge, Sarah, The Carolina Housewife, or, House and Home, published in 1847 and recast in 1979.

Notes Concerning the Author.

This classic southern low-country cookbook was originally compiled by Sarah Rutledge and published in 1847.  The work was later reproduced, complete with an introduction by Anna Wells Rutledge, and republished in 1979.


First published in 1847 as The Carolina Housewife, or House and Home, by a Sarah Rutledge of Charleston, South Carolina.  The jacket of the 1979 edition says, “this is perhaps THE classic Southern cookbook. The magazine Time has described it as ‘an incomparable guide to Southern cuisine,’ and many of the recipes in it can be translated into the modern kitchen with little or no trouble, but it will also interest historians and book collectors. … [Anna Rutledge] has also added a unique ‘Preliminary checklist of South Carolina cookbooks published before 1935.'”

Stated another way, “This is the classic Southern cookbook.  It offers a fascinating picture not only of food, but of housekeeping, husbandry, daily life, and hospitality.”

Availability of the Book.

Go to  There is at least one electronic version, too.