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07.03.10 General Robert F. Hoke: Lee’s Modest Warrior, a biography by Daniel W. Barefoot, published in 1996 by John F. Blair

About the Author

John F. Blair (1951-    ), was born in Charlotte, North Carolina and was graduated from The University of North Carolina in 1973, and following that, from the School of Law.  He is the author of many books, including historic tour books, histories and biographies.  Currently the City Attorney for Lincolnton, North Carolina, Blair was formerly a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives.  It is noteworthy that Blair studied history and wrote of it, not as a member of the academic community, but as an avid student of the subject.


Robert F. Hoke (1837-1912) was a Confederate General and, following surrender, a business leader in his home State of North Carolina.  He is noted for his military leadership in the Battle of Cold Harbor in 1864 and his business leadership in later years in the fields of railroads, mining and related areas.  This fine biography of Hoke is an excellent window though which to view North Carolina life during the fighting of the War Between the States and afterward through several decades following Political Reconstruction.  The Society considers Robert F. Hoke to have been a major North Carolina figure in war and peace.

Availability of the Book

This book can be purchased at modest prices on Amazon and similar outlets as a used hardback book and as a paperback book.