Notes Concerning the Author
Walter Brian Cisco is the author of Henry Timrod: A Biography; States Rights Gist: A South Carolina General of the Civil War; and Taking a Stand; Portraits from the Southern Secession Movement. He is also the author of an excellent biography of Wade Hampton III (see 07.01.02) and War Crimes Against Civilians (see 05.05.11). He lives in Cordovoa, South Carolina.
Wade Hampton, actually Wade Hampton III, is important to America’s understanding of the Southern culture in several ways. First his grandfather and father were important farmers and leaders in South Carolina during colonial days, the Revolution, and into the 1800’s. Second, Wade III was an important Confederate Cavalry general. Third, and most importantly, he skilfully led his State of South Carolina out of Republican Political Reconstruction and into the era of Home Rule, winning election a Democrat Governor in the campaign of 1876. By 1877 all former Confederate States were controlled by Democrats. No man is more important to returning home rule to the conquered States than Wade Hampton, III.
Recently, several biographies of Hampton have been published. These are generally worthy, but Cisco’s biography is the most complete and balanced with excellent attention to all aspects of his life and career. Any student of Political Reconstruction needs to understand South Carolina and Wade Hampton. The other key resource is Reconstruction in South Carolina 1865-1877, by John S. Reynold, published in 1905 (reprint is available).
Availability of this Book
Published in 2004, this book remains available. We suggest Amazon.