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06.06 Histories Concerning Notable Scientific Achievements by Southerners

06.06.01 :  Matthew Fountaine Maury, a biography by Charles Lee Lewis, The Pathfinder of the Seas, published in 1927.  [A review of this book is needed]

06.06.02 :  Physician to the World: The Life of William C. Gorgas, by John M. Gibson, published in 1950.  [Click on Number to Read Review]

06.06.03 :  Audubon, John James, ornithologist, his Journals (2 volumes, 1897) and The Birds of America (published 1827 through 1838 in England, consisting of 435 large paintings in a “Double Elephant Folio,” afterward republished in many ways).  [Click on Number to Read Review] 

06.06.04 :  Bachman, John, Selected Writings on Science, Race, and Religion, Gene Waddell, Editor, (The Publications of the Southern Texts Society) collected together and published in 2011 by the University of Georgia Press  [Click on number to read review]

06.06.05 :  Dary, David, Frontier Medicine, From the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1492-1941,  published in 2008  [Click on Number to Read Review]

06.06.06 :