Notes Concerning the Author
Frederic Austin Ogg (1878–1951), born in Indiana, was an American historian and political scientist. He graduated from DePauw University (Ph.D., 1899), Indiana University (A.M., 1900), and Harvard Univ. (Ph.D., 1908). In 1914 he came to the University of Wisconsin as associate professor of political science, was made professor in 1917, and served in this capacity until his death.
He was the author or co-author of over 17 major books, including the Introduction to American Government (8 editions by 1945). He was an editor of the “Century Political Science Series” and for many years of the American Political Science Review, a director of the American Council of Learned Societies, and president of the American Political Science Association (1941).
The Society recommends The Old Northwest, but readers might also be interested in Ogg’s The Reign of Andrew Jackson and the Opening of the Mississippi, but these have not been reviewed.
The fall of Montreal in 1760 was indeed an event of the deepest consequence to America and to the world. By the articles of capitulation which were signed by the Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor of New France, what would become Canada and the Old Northwest of the United States, westward to the Mississippi passed to the British Crown. Virtually ended was the long British-French struggle for the dominion of the New World. Open now for English occupation and settlement was that vast country lying south of the Great Lakes between the Ohio and the Mississippi, which we know as the Old Northwest.
And down the Ohio River and up and down its tributaries came pioneers, mostly from Maryland and Virginia, giving the territories that would become Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, during the first decades of settlement, a decidedly southern culture. Frederic Ogg, born in Indiana himself, tells the story of this settlement in a concise treatment of only 80 pages.
In fact, a Southern culture was very much alive in the southern half of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois even up to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
Availability of this Book
The Old Northwest is available as a paperback reprint and as a digital e-book. Go to Amazon.
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