Notes Concerning Editor
Paul C. Graham he holds a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Philosophy from the University of South Carolina. He is the current editor of The Palmetto Partisan, the official journal of the South Carolina Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. His writings have appeared in several publications including the Simms Review, the Palmetto Partisan, the Transactions of the SC Masonic Research Society, and the Abbeville Institute’s Blog and Review. He is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians, the William Gilmore Simms Society, and co-founder of Shotwell Publishing, LLC. Graham and wife Suzette live in Cayce, South Carolina.
Our Review
Probably many Americans believe that Union soldiers and Southern slaves rushed into one another’s arms in celebration as the boys in blue brought emancipation. This is very far from the truth. In fact, Union soldiers for the most part greeted Southern black people with hostility, exploitation, rape, robbery, and murder. The destruction of the South brought a terrible cost in suffering and morality to the black people, an atrocity that is just beginning to be recognized. Paul Graham has collected the testimony of South Carolina slaves of their experiences in the Union invasions. This material should be read by everybody who really wants to understand the War between the States.
Availability of this Book
When the Yankees Come is a publication of the newly established Shotwell Publishing, of which Paul C. Graham, is co-founder. The work may be obtained at Amazon’s Create Space website. Readers of our website receive a 25% discount by using this code: FSMQUGEL Click here to go to book: .