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03.04.01 Thompson, Henry Tazewell, Ousting the Carpetbagger from South Carolina, published in 1926.

Notes Concerning Author

Henry Tazewell Thompson (1859-1932) was the son of South Carolina Governor Hugh Smith Thompson & Elizabeth Clarkson Thompson.  He was the Principal of the Darlington Military Academy from 1880-1881, until he resigned to accept a position at The Citadel in Charleston.  He served in the National Guard for 40 years, holding every rank from Private to Brigadier General, and served in the military 4 times.  During the Darlington Riot in 1894 he was the Captain of the Darlington Company.  He was a Lt. Col. of the 2nd S. C. Regt. during the Spanish American War.  He was also in the insurance business for 31 years, an accomplished speaker and a writer.

Thompson’s books include The Establishment of the Public School System in South Carolina, Henry Timrod (1928, republished as Henry Timrod, Laureate of the Confederacy in 1971) and Ousting the Carpetbagger from South Carolina (1926).


The following review of this 194-page book from the Confederate Reprint Company is appropriate:

“South Carolina had been stigmatized by her enemies as ‘the nest wherein was hatched the snake of Secession,’ and it was the purpose of congressional Reconstruction to mete out retribution upon her people and to ensure the ascendency of the radical Republican party.  Thus, at the point of the bayonet, was evolved a condition which is without parallel in all history — the very best and noblest citizens of the State were subjugated to a position of inferiority to their former slaves.  This book is a history of the political revolution of 1876 in which South Carolinians, led by General Wade Hampton and his Redshirts, united to throw off the oppressive yoke of ‘Carpetbagger’ government and [African-American] domination.”

Availability of this Book

The Confederate Reprint Company offers this book.  Also consider a used book at Amazon.