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02.08.01 Reynolds, John S., Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865-1877, published in 1905.

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Notes Concerning the Author:

John S. Reynolds’s history was first printed in The State newspaper as weekly articles, then combined into a book form in 1905.  Reynolds was of the “Dunning School” of historians who had studied under Professor William Archibald Dunning (1857-1922) of the Columbia University history department.  Dunning scholars were inspired to present political reconstruction on a State by State basis, in detail, with resolute attention to the facts of the case, allowing the reader to live the history, to experience the political struggles to regain home rule.  Noted Dunning School scholars and the States of which they wrote are: J. S. Reynolds (SC); J. W. Garner (MS); Walter L. Fleming (AL); J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton (NC); C. Hildred Thompson (GA); C. W. Ramsdell (TX); Thomas Staples (AK); and W. W. Davis (FL).


 In Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865-1877, John S. Reynolds presents the history in a narrative, chronological style, thereby allowing the reader to live the history as if he or she were there.  Adequate attention is given to all aspects of the story.  You understand the corruption of government within South Carolina under the rule of the Republican Party, where white men from the conquering northern States and a few cooperative white South Carolinians ruled over the destitute people of the State, empowered by the organized votes of newly freed black men.  You see the graft in financial detail, complete with the heavy tax burden, the corrupt spending and the skyrocketing public debt.  You see the political struggles, including the murders, the Kuklux activity and the strategies by South Carolina whites to regain home rule through a resurgent Democratic Party.  The history climaxes with the election of Wade Hampton as South Carolina Governor in 1876.

Availability of this Book

This book is available as a paperback reprint by Kessinger Publishing and as a Google scanned e-book.