02.07.01 : Davis, Jefferson, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, 2 volumes, published in 1881. [Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.02 : Henry, Robert Selph, The Story of the Confederacy, published in 1936. [Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.03 : Johnson, Ludwell H., North Against South: The American Iliad, 1848—1877, published in 1993. [Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.04 : Patrick, Rembert W., Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet, published in 1944. [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.05 : Garrison, Webb B., Lincoln’s Little War: How His Carefully Crafted Plans Went Astray, published in 1997 [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.06 : Davis, Jefferson, A Short History of the Confederate States of America, published in 1890 [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.07 : Wiley, Bell Irvin, The Plain People of the Confederacy, published in 1943. [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]
02.07.08 : Klement, Frank L., The Limits of Dissent: Clement L. Vallandigham and the Civil War, published in 1970. [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07. 09 : Klement, Frank L., The Copperheads in the Middle West, published in 1960. [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]
02.07.10 : Williams, T. Harry, Lincoln and the Radicals, published in 1941. [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]
02.07.11 : Klement, Frank L., Dark Lanterns: Secret Political Societies, Conspiracies, and Treason Trails in the Civil War, published in 1984. [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]
02.07.12 : Adams, Charles, When in the Course of Human Events, Arguing the Case for Southern Secession, published in 2,000. [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.13 : Walters, John B., Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War, published in 1973. [Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.14 : Pryor, Mrs. Roger A. (Sarah Agnes Rice Pryor), Reminiscences of Peace and War, published in 1904. [Click on number to read review]
02.07.15 : Chesnut, Mary Boykin, The Private Mary Chesnut: The Unpublished Civil War Diaries (1860-1865), C. Vann Woodward and Elizabeth Muhlenfled, editors and annotators, published in 1984 (previously by others in 1904, 1949 and 1981 with differing emphasis).[Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.16 : Sale, Kirkpatrick, Emancipation Hell: The Tragedy Wrought By the Emancipation Proclamation 150 Years Ago, published in 2012 [Click on number to read review]
02.07.17 : Sullivan, Walter, The War the Women Lived: Female Voices from the Confederate South, published in 1995. [We are awaiting a
review of this item]
02.07.18 : Coulter, E. Merton, The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, published in 1950 [Click on number to read review]
02.07.19 : Hatch, Thom, The Blue, The Gray & The Red: Indian Campaigns of the Civil War (note: book is confined to Federal-Indian Conflicts, no significant “Gray” action), published in 2003. [[Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.20 : Peterson, Dennis L., Confederate Cabinet Departments and Secretaries, published in 2016 [Click on umber to Read Review]
02.07.22 : Gragg, Rod, editor, The Illustrated Confederate Reader, published in 1989. [Click on number to read review]
02.07.23 : Abell, Richard B. and Gecik, Fay Adamson, Sojourns of a Patriot, the Field and Prison Papers of an Unreconstructed Confederate, published in 1998. [Click on Number to Read Review.]
02.07.24 : Tremmel, George B., Pierre Fricke and John Martin Davis, Jr., Confederate Treasury Certificates: A Collector’s Guide to IDRs — Interim Depository Receipts of the CSA, published in 2010. [Click on Number to Read Review]
02.07.25 : Frick, Pierre, Collecting Confederate Paper Money, the Field Edition published in 2008. [Click on Number to Read Review]