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02.06 PERIOD HISTORIES, Destructive Political Sectionalism, from 1850 to 1860

02.06.01Nichols, Alice,  Bleeding Kansas, published in 1954.  [Click on Number to Read Review.]

02.06.02 :Scott, Otto, The Secret Six, John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement, published in 1979.  [Click on Number to Read Review.]

02.06.03Gienapp, William E., The Origins of the Republican Party, 1852-1856, published in 1987.  [Click on Number to Read Review.] 

02.06.04Anbinder, Tyler, Nativism & Slavery, The Northern Know Nothings & the Politics of the 1850’s, published in 1992.  [Click on Number to Read Review.]

02.06.05Turner, Frederick Jackson, The Significance of Sections in American History, published in 1932.  [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]

02.06.06Norton, Anne, Alternative Americas: A Reading of Antebellum Political Culture, published in 1986.  [Click on number to read review]

02.06.07 :  Craven, Avery, The Coming of the Civil War, published in 1942.  [Click on Number to Read Review]

02.06.08 :  Dabney, Robert Louis, A Defence of Virginia (And Through Her of the South) In Recent and Pending Contests Against the Sectional Party, published in 1867.  [Click on number to read review]

02.06.09Gara, Larry, The Liberty Line: The Legend of the Underground Railroad, published in 1961.  [Click on Number to Read Review]

02.06.10Berwanger, Eugene H., The Frontier Against Slavery: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy, published in 1967[The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]

02.06.11Frederickson, George, The Inner Civil War: Northern Intellectuals and the Crisis of the Union, published in 1965.  [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]

02.06.12Gordon, David, editor, Secession, State & Liberty, published in 2002.  This is a recent analysis of the merit in allowing State Secession when the people desire it (Soviet Union breakup, etc.).  [The Society Needs a Contributing Member to Volunteer to Write Up a Review of This Book]

02.06.13 :  Beale, Howard K., What Historians Have Said about the Causes of the Civil War, a 48-page essay published in 194?.  [A review of this essay is needed]

02.06.14 :  Floan, Howard R., The South in Northern Eyes, 1831-1861, published in 1958  [Click on number to read review]

02.06.15 :  Lunt, George, Origins of the Late War: Traced from the Beginning of the Constitution to the Revolt of the Southern States,  published 1866.  [Click on number to read review]

02.06.16 : Springer, Francis W., War for What?, published in 1990.  [Click on Number to Read Review]

02.06.17 :

02.06.18 :  DeRosa, Marshall, The Politics of Dissolution: The Quest for A National Identity and the American Civil War, published in 1997[We are awaiting a review of this item]

02.06.19 :

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