01.16.01 : Selected Political Leader (Washington) — George Washington, a biography by Douglas Southall Freeman, in 7 volumes, published in 1948-1957 and George Washington, The Image and the Man, a biography by W. E. Woodward, published in 1926.
01.16.02 : Selected Political Leader (Davis) — Jefferson Davis, by Hudson Strode, in 3 Volumes (V1, American Patriot, 1808-1861; V2, Confederate President, 1861-1864; V3 Tragic Hero, 1864-1889).
01.16.03 : Selected Pioneering Leader (?) — Andrew Jackson, The Life of, a biography by Marquis James, made up of Vol. 1, The Border Captain (1933) and Vol. 2, Portrait of a President (1937).
01.16.04 : Selected Military Leader — Lee, Robert E., a biography in 4 volumes by Douglas Southall Freeman, titled: R. E. Lee: A Biography, published in 1934-35. [Click on number to link to review]
01.16.05 : Selected Agricultural Leader — Edmund Ruffin, Southerner, A Study in Secession, by Avery O. Craven, published in 1932. [Click on number to link to review]
01.16.06 : Selected Transportation Leader (?) —
01.16.07 : Selected Philosophical Leader — John C. Calhoun: American Portrait, by Margaret L. Coit, published in 1950.
01.16.08 : Selected Commercial/Economic Leader — Robert Mills, biographies by John Bryan, titled Robert Mills: America’s First Architect, published in 2001 and Rhodri W. Liscombe, titled Altogether American: Robert Mills, Architect and Engineer, 1781-1855, published in 1994. [Click on number to see our review]
01.16.09 : Selected Religious Leader — Wade, John Donald, Augustus Baldwin Longstreet: A Study of the Development of Culture in the South, published in 1925 [Click on number to link to our review]
01.16.10 : Selected Literary Leader (?) — Poe, Edgar Allan, a biography by Hervey Allen, titled, Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allen Poe, published in 1926 as 2 volumes, and Poe, Edgar Allan, a biography by Arthur Hobson Quinn titled: Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography, published in 1941.
01.16.11 : Selected Leader in Southern Music (?) —
01.16.12 : Selected Leader Concerning Family Life (?) —
01.16.13 : Selected Native American Leader (?) —
01.16.14 : Selected African American Leader Prior to 1940 (?) — Washington, Booker T., Up from Slavery, an autobiography published in 1901.
01.16.15 : Selected Female Leader — First Lady of the South: The Life of Mrs. Jefferson Davis by Ishbel Ross, published in 1958. [Click on number to link to our review]
01.16.16 : Selected Northern States Sectional Leader (Lincoln) — Thaddeus Stevens (Old Thad Stevens . . .), a biography by Richard Nelson Current, published in 1942.