22.22.03 Index Listing of Titles (H-I-J-K-L-M)
Index Listing of Titles (H, I, J, K, L and M) is Presented Below — Note the Library Card Number and GO THERE to our Read Review.
- Haley, Alex, Roots, The Saga of an American Family [11.09.03 for Why Listed]
- He Sent Forth a Raven, by Elizabeth Madox Roberts [11.06.04]
- Henry Timrod’s Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, by Henry Timrod [11.08.06]
- Heroines of Mercy Street: The Real Nurses of the Civil War, by Pamela Toler [05.21.01]
- Heyward, Duncan Clinch, Seed from Madagascar [06.01.02]
- Historians’ Fallacies, Toward a Logic of Historical Thought, by David Hackett Fisher [10.20.01]
- Historical Consciousness; or, The Remembered Past, by John Lukacs [10.20.03]
- Histories of the Several Regiments . . North Carolina . . . Civil War, by Walter Clark, editor [05.09.02]
- History of Delaware by John A. Munroe [03.02.05]
- History of Louisiana by Charles E. A. Gayarre’ [02.03.01]
- History of Maryland from the Earliest Period . . ., by John Thomas Scharf [03.02.01]
- Home by the River by Archibald Rutledge [08.01.06]
- Horatio Seymour, New York’s Governor, Attacks Abe Lincoln’s War, by John Chodes [05.05.18]
- Horseshoe Robinson by John P. Kennedy [11.02.02]
- How to Study History by Howard Ray White [20.07.01]
- Hunter’s Fiery Raid through Virginia Valleys, by Gary C. Walker [21.13.05]
- I Am One of You Forever, by Fred Chappell [11.07.12]
- I’ll Take My Stand: The South . . . by John Crowe Ransom and others [10.14.01]
- In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings . . . by Richard M. Weaver [10.06.03]
- In Search on the City on a Hill, by Richard M. Gamble [02.21.01]
- Inside the Confederate Government, Diary of Robert Garlick Hill Kean [05.05.21]
- Intellectual Life in the Colonial South . . . by Richard Beale Davis [11.01.01]
- Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner [11.06.03]
- Is Jefferson Davis a Traitor? By Albert T. Bledsoe [10.12.01]
- Jack Hinson’s One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper, by Tom C. McKenney [05.05.15]
- Jefferson, Thomas, See our commentary . . . by Clyde N. Wilson [20.00.01]
- Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet, by Rembert W. Patrick [02.07.04]
- Jingling in the Wind, by Elizabeth Madox Roberts [11.06.04]
- John Brown: The Making of a Martyr, by Robert Penn Warren [02.23.14]
- Journal and Letters of Eliza Lucas Pinckney by Eliza Lucas Pinckney [06.01.03]
- “Ken Burns’s ‘The Civil War . . .’,” by A. Cash Koeniger, Journal of Military History . . . [02.20.03]
- Kings Mountain and Its Heroes by Lyman C. Draper [05.01.04]
- Lady Baltimore, by Owen Wister [11.06.05]
- Lamb in His Bosom, by Caroline Miller [11.03.04]
- Last Flag Down . . . (voyage of the CSS Shenandoah), by Baldwin and Powers [05.05.17]
- Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, by James Agee [08.01.07]
- Letters from the Outpost: Essays on the Cultural . . . , by Joyce. L. Bennett [03.02.02]
- Library of Southern Literature, by Edwin A. Alderman et. al, editors [11.00.03]
- Life and Labor in the Old South, by Ulrich B. Phillips [02.05.06]
- Life, Literature, and Lincoln: A Tom Landess Reader, by Thomas H. Landess [11.09.08]
- Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) [11.03.11]
- Lincoln and the Radicals, by T. Harry Williams [02.07.10]
- Lincoln and the War Governors, by William Best Hesseltine [05.05.04]
- Lincoln — The Man, by Edgar Lee Masters [02.25.01]
- Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed . . . , by Thomas DiLorenzo [02.25.02]
- Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans, by T. R. Fehrenbach [03.16.01]
- Lone Star Preacher, by John W. Thomason [11.04.06]
- Look Back All the Green Valley, by Fred Chappell [11.07.12]
- Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book, by Walker Percy [1o.06.12]
- Louisiana Creole Literature: A Historical Study, by Catherine Savage Brosman [11.00.02]
- Look Homeward, Angel (O Lost, A Story of the Buried Life, by Thomas Wolfe [11.08.09]
- Macaria, or Altars of Sacrifice, by Augusta Jane Evans Wilson [11.04.13]
- Marse Chan’ and other novels, by Thomas Nelson Page [11.06.01]
- Maryland, My Maryland: The Cultural Cleansing of a Small Southern State, by Joyce Bennett [03.02.06]
- Maryland: The South’s First Casualty, by Bart R. Talbert [03.02.03]
- McCord’s poems, drama, biography and letters, by Louisa S. McCord [11.03.03]
- Memoir of the Last Year of the War . . ., by Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early [05.17.04]
- Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War . . ., by Raphael Semmes [05.05.07]
- Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, by Maj. Heros Von Borcke [05.18.05]
- Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War, by John B. Walters [02.07.13]
- Mind and the American Civil War: A Meditation on Lost Causes, by Lewis P. Simpson [11.00.07]
- “Mission to Cuba,” by Carolyn Erlick, Boston Globe Magazine, May 14, 2000 [02.23.17]
- Mountain Masters, Slavery . . . in Western North Carolina, by John C. Inscoe [03.03.04]
- My Colonel and His Lady, by Archibald Rutledge [08.01.06]
- My Health is Better in November, by Havilah Babcock [11.09.09]
- Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose, by Flannery O’Conner [1o.06.11]