22.21.04 : Index Listing of Authors (J-K-L-M)
Index Listing of Authors, J, K, L and M, is Presented Below — Note the Library Card Number beside the Reference of Interest and GO THERE to Read our Review:
- James, Marquis, Andrew Jackson, The Life of [07.01.03]
- James, Marquis, The Raven, a biography of Sam Houston [07.01.04]
- Jarvis, Gail, A Fair Appraisal of Franklin Pierce Was a Long Time Coming [20.03.02]
- Jefferson, Thomas, A Summary View of the Rights of British America . . . [02.04.01]
- Jefferson, Thomas, Notes on the State of Virginia [03.01.03]
- Johnson, Ludwell H., North Against South: The American Iliad . . . [02.07.03]
- Johnson, Ludwell H., See Some Selected Essays at So Good a Cause . . . [10.15.06]
- Johnson, Ludwell H., The Confederacy: What was it? View from Federal Courts [05.10.02]
- Johnson, Jones Hooper, The Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs [11.03.07]
- Johnson, Roy F., The Nat Turner Slave Insurrection [03.01.10]
- Johnson, The Life and Letters of Robert Lewis Dabney [09.09.01]
- Johnston, Mary, The Long Roll and her other novels [11.04.04]
- Johnstone, Huger William, Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861 [02.23.05]
- Joiner, Gary, The 1864 Red River Campaign and Union Failure . . . [05.19.01]
- Jones, Charles C., Jr., The History of Georgia [03.05.01]
- Jones, Charles C., Sr., Family Letters (The Children of Pride . . .) [08.03.01]
- Jones, Rev. J. William, Personal Reminiscences of General Robert E. Lee [05.17.01]
- Jones, Katherine M., When Sherman Came: Southern Women and the . . . [05.11.04]
- Jones, Madison, Nashville 1864: The Dying in the Light [11.04.09]
- Kean, Robert Garlick Hill, his diary, Inside the Confederate Government [05.05.21]
- Kennedy, James Ronald, and Walter Donald Kennedy, Punished with Poverty . . . [10.07.04]
- Kennedy, John P., two novels: Horseshoe Robinson and Swallow Barn [11.02.02]
- Kettell, Thomas Prentice, Southern Wealth and Northern Profits [02.23.12]
- Kibler, James Everett, Our Fathers’ Fields, a Southern Story [03.04.04]
- Kibler, James Everett, Poems from Scorched Earth [11.08.10]
- King, Grace Elizabeth, Balcony Stories [11.06.06]
- King, Grace Elizabeth, Memories of a Southern Woman of Letters (autobiography) [07.09.06]
- King, Grace Elizabeth, New Orleans: The Place and the People [03.11.01]
- Kirk, Russell, a biography of John Randolph of Roanoke [07.01.12]
- Kizer, Gene, ed., Charles W. Ramsdell Dean of Southern Historians . . . [10.05.01]
- Kizer, Gene, Jr., Slavery Was not the Cause of the War Between the States . . . [05.15.01]
- Klement, Frank L., The Limits of Dissent: Clement L. Vallandigham . . . [02.07.08]
- Klement, Frank L., The Copperheads in the Middle West [02.07.09]
- Klement, Frank L., Dark Lanterns: Secret Political Societies . . . [02.07.11]
- Koeniger, A. Cash, “Ken Burns’s ‘The Civil War . . .”, Journal of Military History . . . [02.20.03]
- Korn, Bertram Wallace, American Jewry and the Civil War [09.12.03]
- Landess, Thomas H., Life Literature, and Lincoln: A Tom Landess Reader [11.09.08]
- Laumer, Frank, Dade’s Last Command [03.06.01]
- Lawson, John, A New Voyage to Carolina (early days in North Carolina) . . . [02.01.01]
- LeConte. Emma, When the World Ended: The Diary of Emma LeConte [03.04.09]
- LeConte, Joseph. The Autobiography of Joseph LeConte [07.07.01]
- Lee, Heath, Winnie Davis: Daughter of the Lost Cause [07.14.02]
- Lee. Robert E., The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee [08.04.03]
- Leigh, Philip, Southern Reconstruction [02.08.21]
- Levy, Buddy, Biography of David Crockett, titled American Legend . . . [07.02.02]
- Levy, George, To Die in Chicago, Confederate Prisoners . . . [05.05.02]
- Lewis, Charles Lee, biography of Matthew Maury, Pathfinder of the Seas [06.06.01]
- Liscombe, Rhodri W., biography, Altogether American: Robert Mills, Architect . . . [07.07.02]
- Litwack, Leon F., North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States, 1760-1860 [02.00.05]
- Longstreet, August Baldwin, Georgia Scenes [11.03.02]
- Loveland, Anne C., Southern Evangelicals and the Social Order, 1800-1860 [09.03.01]
- Lukacs, John, Historical Consciousness; or, The Remembered Past [10.20.03]
- Luraghi, Raimondo, A History of the Confederate Navy [05.05.08]
- Luraghi, Raimondo, The Rise and Fall of the Plantation South [10.07.01]
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, At the Moon’s Inn [11.01.05]
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company [07.03.02]
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, M. E. Bradford, editor, From Eden to Babylon . . . [10.06.07]
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, Stories: Alchemy and Others [11.00.04]
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, The Long Night [11.04.10]
- Macaulay, John A. Unitarianism in the Antebellum South: The Other . . . [09.12.01]
- Malone, Bill C., Country Music, U. S. A. [12.07.03]
- Malone. Dumas, a biography of Thomas Jefferson, in 6 volumes [07.01.10]
- March, William, Company K [11.07.14]
- Marshall, John A., American Bastille: A History of the Illegal Arrests . . . [05.05.10]
- Marthal, Barbara G., Fighting for Freedom: A Documented Story [11.11.08]
- Masters, Edgar Lee, Lincoln — The Man [02.25.01]
- Matthews, Marty D., a biography of Charles Pinckney . . . [07.01.27]
- Mayes, Edward, a biography of Lucius Q. C. Lamar [07.01.05]
- McClanahan, Biron, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers [10.11.14]
- McClanahan, Biron, Forgotten Conservatives in American History [02.00.08]
- McClanahan, Biron, The Founding Fathers’ Guide to the Constitution [10.11.14]
- McCord, Louisa S., her poems, drama, biography and letters [11.03.03]
- McDonald, Forrest, States Rights and the Union: Imperio in Imperium . . . [10.11.10]
- McGowan, Eugene and Dete, Searching for Lincoln a full length video [22.13.02]
- McGregor, James C., The Disruption of Virginia [03.01.07]
- McKean, Brenda Chambers, Blood and War at My Doorstep . . . (NC) [03.33.01]
- McKenney, Tom C., Jack Hinson’s One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper [05.05.15]
- McMath, Robert C., American Populism: A Social History, 1877-1898 [02.09.04]
- McMurry, Rebecca and James F., see side bar concerning Jefferson and Hemmings at [07.01.10]
- Meade, Robert Douthat, Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate Statesman [07.01.23]
- Meek, Alexander Beaufort, Romantic Passages in Southwestern History [03.09.02]
- Merrill, Jensen, The Articles of Confederation. [02.04.01]
- Michener, James A., Chesapeake [11.00.05]
- Michener, James A., Texas [11.00.06]
- Middleton, David, The Poetry of David Middleton [11.08.11]
- Miller, Caroline, Lamb in His Bosom [11.03.04]
- Milligan, Harold Vincent, Stephen Collins Foster: A Biography . . . [07.10.01]
- Milling, Chapman James, Red Carolinians [02.01.05]
- Mills, Elizabeth Shown, Evidence! Criticism and Analysis for the Family Historian [10.20.05]
- Mills, Elizabeth Shown, Profesional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers . . .[10.20.05]
- Mills, Elizabeth Shown, “Roots” and the New “Faction:” A Legitimate Tool for Clio? [11.12.03]
- Mills, Gary B., The Forgotten People, Cane River’s Creoles . . . [03.11.06]
- Mills, Robert, Atlas of the State of South Carolina, published in 1825 [03.34.01]
- Mills, Robert, Statistics of South Carolina, published in 1826 [03.34.02]
- Mitchell, Margret, Gone With the Wind and her other novels [11.04.02]
- Mobley, Joe A., NC Gov. Richard Caswell biography [07.01.30]
- Moore, Glover, The Missouri Controversy, 1819-1821 [02.05.15]
- Morgan, Robert, Boone, A Biography (Daniel Boone) [07.02.01]
- Munroe, John A., History of Delaware [03.02.05]
- Myers, Robert Mason, The Children of Pride: A True Story of Georgia . . . [08.03.01]