True American History, 1763 to 1885, is a series of television shows originally cablecast from Public Access Station 21 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Scores of 30-minute television shows have been produced in this series and most are available for viewing on-line, free, by going to The host is Howard Ray White, who is also a founder of The Society of Independent Southern Historians. The time span of this series is from 1763, the year of the King’s Proclamation Line, which begin the independence movement in the British colonies North America, to 1885, the year that Democrat Grover Cleveland became President of the United States, that ending the domination of the Sectional Republican Party which came to power with Abraham Lincoln. This is great span of time for viewers to gain a better understanding of our history and the role played by the Southern people and the Southern culture.
The television shows can be viewed on the True American History channel at Copy and paste the following into your web browser: