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21.20.01 Root, Thomas Moore, Sons of Pride: A Tale of Old Missouri, published in 2011

Notes Concerning the Author

Tom Root, who now lives “quietly in the country near Mobile, Alabama,” grew up in that section of Missouri where this historical novel takes place.  This is the region around New Madrid, Missouri, at the head of the old Kings Highway, alongside a big bend of the Mississippi River just west of the Kentucky-Tennessee border.  And the characters in this historical novel are inspired by folks he knew, his personal ancestors and the folk lore of the region.  A retired real estate agent, a farmer, an antiquarian, a genealogists and, he says so himself, a horse trader, Tom Root is “familiar with Latin and Greek Languages and Literature,” and traces of that knowledge pepper the story.  He is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Society of Independent Southern Historians.  This is Root’s first book, a self-published work, well done.

Our Review

From the back cover of the historical novel we read:

“Spanning over 60 years, from 1805 to 1866, “Sons of Pride” recreates the early history of New Madrid County Missouri, when the powerful Phillips clan holds absolute sway over man, prairie and swamp.  Encountering the likes of hunter Tom Laforge; river pirate Tolly Mason; penitent Isham Lewis, nephew of Thomas Jefferson; cardsharper Dr. Anacreon Moore; and a host of other colorful characters, the sons of pride are finally undone by overreaching and the War of 1861, until reborn by the sudden appearance of wandering Jim Ruby, a lighter spirit.  Through the lineaments of local history, the author fashions a vivid record of antebellum Missouri, a humorous tale that deftly blends truth with fiction.”

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