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Welcome to the bibliography of works recommended by Our Society.  Discover here complete and truthful understanding of the history and culture of the Southern People.  Just look  around or [Click here to view our intro video]
  • Our web-site, as in a library, presents a bibliography of our endorsed, recommended readings.  You see 12 numbered buttons on the sides, each leading to a group of library file drawers.  Click on a button, such as 02, to view the library file drawers within that group.  Select a drawer, such as 02.06 and click on it to see the author/title of each library card listed in that drawer.  Select a listing and click on the number to read our review .
  • Learn how people in the Southern colonies settled the land and evolved their distinct culture and aspirations, and their passion for liberty and independence.
  • Learn how Patriots among the Southern people defeated British forces and won our independence — creating 13 sovereign States.
  • Learn how the Southern people then led America’s expansion westward to the Mississippi and out to Texas, establishing many more sister States.
  • Learn how hateful political sectionalism during the 1850’s resulted in legal State secession and how Federals, under Republican Party control, then, acting illegally, forcibly subjugated Democrat Party-controlled Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri and then invaded 11 sovereign seceded States, in an horrific war that killed 360,000 Federals and 260,000 Confederates.  Explore the War Between the States in detail beginning at 05.10.
  • Learn the truth of the Republican Party’s Political Reconstruction following that horrific war.
  • Learn about the subsequent struggles for healing, whereby Southern people of all racial backgrounds rebuilt their lives, their children’s lives, their grand children’s lives, and became a prominent part of what, by 1940, was a sovereign nation with only a remnant of state rights.
  • Get to know the Southern people, their faith, their pride and humility, their traditions, their friendliness, their family life, their passion for individual liberty and their literature and music , through which they will  tell you their story. 
  • Look for more understanding at Buttons 20 and 21 which lead to Interpretations, Commentaries, Essays, Articles and Booklets, some published here.  
  • See our recommended Movies and Audio Books at  Button 22.  
  • To find an item you are looking for go to the website content index at 23.
  • To view links to and from our web-site, click on the upper left button.
  • To help us or join the Society, click on the upper right button.
  • To comment or recommend content to a Society official [Click Here]